Weight Loss & Youth

Posted by slimboy Friday, June 11, 2010 0 comments

Weight Loss & Youth
By Kiran Basra B.Sc. Phm., Pharm. D.

There’s probably been a time or two when you sat your kids down and gave them the “Back in the Day” speech. You know, the one about walking miles and miles to school, uphill both ways. Of course, they likely responded with a roll of the eyes and a curt, “Whatever.” Chances are you’ll never convince your kids to adhere to that kind of old- fashioned exercise ethic, no matter how many times you tell them how tough you might have had it. Let’s face it, times have changed, and it’s a challenge just to get your kid off of the computer or away from their video game console.

Convenience and complacency have replaced inspiration and initiative, and because of that, today’s youth – sometimes referred to as the “Xbox generation” – are considered the most inactive generation in history. This inactivity, coupled with poor dietary habits, has resulted in extensive increases in childhood obesity rates over the past 25 years. Childhood obesity is a real problem and the risks associated with it could be extremely detrimental to a child’s growth and development and hamper their self-esteem. So it’s time to ditch the old stories and take a more proactive approach to bettering your child’s health and wellness.

A growing epidemic

In Canada, the obesity rates in children have gone up six per cent, which corresponds to half a million Canadian youth. Similarly, the overweight population (those people not yet classified as obese but significantly above normal weight) has jumped 15 per cent over the past 25 years. This astounding percentage corresponds to over 1.5 million Canadian youth who are struggling with their weight.

As the Canadian lifestyle evolves into one that is more sedentary, the fear is that this generation may represent the first to die at a younger age than their parents. A report published by the Canadian Institute for Health Information noted that four out of five Canadian youth are 40 per cent less active than youth from 15 years ago and are, therefore, not active enough to meet the international guidelines for optimal growth and development.

The common misconception about childhood obesity is that the child will outgrow it. However, more and more studies are showing that childhood obesity is directly linked with adult obesity, and, ultimately, obesity-related health concerns, many of which were not seen until adulthood and are now becoming more and more prevalent during childhood. Diabetes, hypertension, asthma, and sleep apnea have all been linked to obesity and are being diagnosed more frequently in children. Orthopedic complications are also becoming more pronounced in our youth as the growing bone and cartilage are not strong enough to bear excess weight. What’s most concerning is the psychological effects of obesity on our children. More and more children develop a negative body image and poor self-esteem at a younger age, which often results in the development of eating disorders.

A natural response

It’s necessary to encourage your children to be more active and to develop healthy eating habits. Data indicates that children who are active are less likely to be obese than children who are less active. Vigorous exercise, even for 20 to 30 minutes a day, is a good start to developing a healthy regimen for your child. Make sure your child spends less than an hour per day in front of the TV, on the computer, or playing video games. Get them outside to play with friends or ride their bike. Enrolling them in sports is also a good way to get them moving and will help build their social skills.

The importance of balanced meals is essential for the development of all bodily organs and systems; everything from nerve impulses to muscle movement to kidney function depends on the intake of balanced meals. If your child is eating large quantities of fast food, which is high in fat and calories and low in nutrients, and not eating the appropriate amounts of fruits and vegetables, they’ll likely have to deal with weight problems. Data shows that children who eat fruits and vegetables five or more times a day are substantially less likely to be overweight or obese.

A good rule of thumb is that your child should have at least two to three medium-sized whole fruits or two to three cups of chopped fruit per day. This fruit can be added to cereal or oatmeal, blended with fruit juice or yogurt, or eaten as snacks. Fruit will give your child energy, help them feel good, and aid in weight loss.

Three to five servings of vegetables per day are also essential. One serving equals a half cup of cooked vegetables or one cup of raw vegetables. A good-sized salad with multiple vegetables in it will cover about two servings. Your child can even use yogurt dip with chopped vegetables for a great snack idea and stir-fried vegetables and brown rice make an excellent meal idea.

For grains, breads, pastas, and rice, always make sure your child is eating whole grain, brown, or whole wheat. It is better for them, has more flavour, and will provide added fibre and nutrients to their diet. Your child should stick to lean meats like chicken and turkey, and lean cuts of beef. Eating free-range or organic meats where possible is best. Your child should have protein sources at least two to three times per day, eat nuts and seeds as snacks, and eat beans a few times a week. These are all great protein sources and help with weight loss.

The Youth Program

Unfortunately for many, long-term weight loss is very difficult to achieve. Individuals often fall into a cycle of weight reduction followed by a gradual weight gain over time. Unfortunately, this cycling doesn’t reduce the risk of long-term complications and is extremely frustrating and stressful for the individual. Herbal Magic offers a full line of weight loss programs catered to meet individual needs, and designed to break the weight loss/gain cycle by replacing long-term complications with long-term solutions.

Herbal Magic is extremely proud to offer the QLP Youth program, the first program of its kind developed by our Scientific Advisory Team to treat obesity in youth aged 12 to 17. This program immediately addresses the obesity concern and plays a crucial role in the development of lifelong, healthy eating and lifestyle habits. Youth on the Herbal Magic program lose the weight and keep it off; maintaining a healthy weight ultimately reduces their risk of obesity-related health concerns. The program also provides the appropriate nutritional allotments of vitamins and minerals essential for healthy development and the appropriate usage of essential fatty acids that have been proven to aid in optimal brain function.

Our QLP Youth program will teach your child how to eat properly, make wise food choices, and gain control over their eating habits. In addition, we provide them with some safe, natural health products that ensure they’ll succeed in their weight loss endeavours. All of this comes with information on the basics of required physical activity. On the QLP Youth program, they can expect to lose weight, feel better, be happier, improve their school performance, improve their self-esteem, and significantly decrease their risk of many chronic diseases.

There is a stronger, healthier, and brighter way for our youth, one that will result in them having a more positive self-image today and a healthier life tomorrow.

Hormone Therapy For Women

Posted by slimboy Thursday, May 20, 2010 0 comments

Most women are familiar with the idea of hormone therapy of some sort. Often - this hormone education started with the pill as a contraceptive measure.

More recently, estrogen therapy (HRT - hormone replacement therapy) has become quite common in going through menopause. But these often require trial and error methods to find out which ones worked best and in what dosage.

Neither are synthetic hormones designed with a balanced approach and on an individual basis. They are designed to reduce menopausal symptoms, not bring the body back into balance, and they are produced in mass volume at predefined dosage rates.

Using hormone therapy in this one-size-fits-all way can cause a whole host of symptoms including:

Loss of sexual desire

Being moody/grumpy/overly emotional

Hot flashes and night-sweats

Mental fogginess (lack of mental clarity)



Emotional ups and downs

Our bodies are designed to work in a delicate balance. If you have a deficiency or overabundance of one hormone, the other hormones won't be able to contribute their fair share to your well-being. If you have a lot of difficulty losing weight, you may want to ask your health care provider to test you for several hormones to see if you have an imbalance.

Your thyroid produces the hormones most commonly known as T3 and T4. These affect how you metabolize the calories you consume. If you are low on these hormones, your doctor may prescribe them or you can find over-the-counter products that contain desiccated (freeze-dried) thyroid.

Testosterone is a hormone that is present in both males and females. Though it is usually associated with causing male characteristics, testosterone also helps your body burn fat more efficiently and prevents fat storage in the abdomen. Men and women can suffer from a condition called estrogen dominance as they get older. Testosterone levels and progesterone levels can decrease, leaving estrogen to be the dominant hormone of this group. When this happens, you may experience a myriad of unpleasant symptoms, including weight gain and fatigue. Men can get a prescription for testosterone from their doctor. Women are often prescribed progestin, which is a synthetic progesterone. A safer option, and one that does not require a prescription, is progesterone cream. This is formulated from plant sources, and your body synthesizes it just like your own progesterone. Make sure you get a product that contains at least 20 mg of USP progesterone per dose. Men and women can use progesterone because it helps the body decide to use fat for energy.

Pregnenolone is also a hormone that both men and women can benefit from. It's made from cholesterol, and it is the precursor to the other steroid hormones: estrogen, testosterone, DHEA and progesterone. It helps relieve stress, lifts your mood, improves memory and brain function and increases testosterone levels, which improves metabolism. Pregnenolone supplementation should only be done under doctor supervision because of its potency.

Lose weight as quickly as possible, to see how much simpler it is the same (and elusive you) who you are welcome thing – you just out there who have joined the millions – a search for quick weight loss programss.

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Diet Tips – Where Diets Go Wrong

Posted by slimboy Saturday, May 15, 2010 0 comments

Diet Tips will help you in losing your over weight but you should know the correct procedure of dealing with diets, when you are using diet as Diet Tips. When we discover that we are heavier than we want to be, we have a natural inclination to eat less food.

For this reason we may opt odd diet tips like skip lunch or eat only a tiny amount of our dinner in the thinking that if we eat less, our body will burn off some of its fat. Actually this is not true.

Eating Less and Starvation
Eating less actually makes it more difficult to lose weight. You should keep in mind that millions of years ago itself the human body took shape and at that time there were no diets for the humans. Starvation was the only low calorie event in people’s lives.

Those who could cope with a temporary lack of food were the ones who survived. Therefore, our bodies have developed this sought of built-in mechanism to help us survive in the face of low food intake.

Fat Intake
When researchers found that both the thin person and an overweight person eat almost same number of calories when compared with each other. What makes the difference between them is that over weight people eat more the amount of fat where as the thin people tend to eat less fat and more complex carbohydrates.

Any person cannot lose weight using diet tips overnight. A carefully planned diet tips requires commonsense and certain guidelines. Unfortunately, there’s a lot of misinformation about the diet tips floating around and lots of desperate people are easily duped and ripped off with these types of diet tips.

Weight Loss and Diet Products
You can see advertisements touting some new product, diet tips, diet pill or diet patch that will take excess weight off quickly when you open a magazine or any news paper daily. Everyone seems to be looking for that “magic” weight loss pill.

Millions of people are trying to lose weight, spending billions of money every year on diet tips and diets. Most of them do lose some weight. Unfortunately, if you check with the same people five years later, you will find that he has mostly regained his lost weight.

Many number of diseases and serious health problems can occur due to being seriously overweight and particularly obesity and it is now a know fact that when caloric intake is excessive, some of the excess frequently is saturated fat.

Commercial Diet Tips
A survey was conducted recently to try and determine if any of these commercial diet tips could prove long-term success in weight loss and found not even a single one of that type of diet tips could do so rampant has the so-called diet industry become with new products and false claims that FDA has now stepped in and started clamping down.

Diet Tips and Exercise
Diet tips should be accompanied with exercise otherwise people may often get fatter with time. Although your weight may initially drop while considering dieting as one of the diet tips, such weight loss consists mostly of water and muscle.

When the weight returns, it comes back as fat. For this reason you should increase your metabolism by exercising regularly. Selecting exercise along with diet tips is the best way to lose weight.

Select an exercise routine that you feel comfortable. Always remember that walking is one of the best and easiest exercises for strengthening your bones, controlling your weight and toning your muscles.

Calorie Intake
The myth is that people get heavy by eating too many calories. It’s true that calories intake do matter in increasing your weight but overall they are not the cause of obesity in America today.

Americans actually take in fewer calories each day when compared to the beginning of the century. All of us should be thinner if the calories alone were the reason we become overweight. But we are not so.

Collectively, we are heavier than ever. Partly, it is because we are more sedentary now. But equally as important is the fact that the fat content of the American diet has changed dramatically.

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Plus17 amino acids!
The wide variety of high quality nutritional ingredients in Mega Factor™ will help you maintain good muscle tone, keep your heart healthy, help prevent atherosclerosis, fight cancer, improve your memory, combat depression, help improve your vision and so much more. Whether you're an athlete, or just looking to lose weight and stay healthy, Mega Factor™ will give you the edge you need to succeed beyond your wildest dreams!

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