Natessance Green Coffee 400 is a new food supplement in capsule form that comprises decaffeinated Robusta green coffee beans. It contains Svetol® which helps to reduce the absorption of sugar from food that, in turn, cuts down the number of calories taken up by the body.
Clinical studies on taking Green Coffee Svetol over eight weeks at 400mg per day have shown:
· A decrease in weight by nearly 6%
· An increase in the proportion of muscle to fat ratio of 4%
· A decrease in the Body Mass Index of nearly 6%
· All without changing their diet
How does it work?
Ingredients in the Robusta green coffee bean inhibit the uptake of glucose in the intestines, regulating metabolism and resulting in weight loss over a period of 60 days. Already recognised as an excellent anti-ageing food, Robusta green coffee is loaded with anti-oxidants which fight free radicals, the substances that cause cell damage and disease.
Natessance takes the decaffeinated extract from the unroasted Robusta green coffee bean to avoid the negative health issues associated with excess caffeine. Six cups of caffeinated coffee a day causes dehydration and can overstimulate the body resulting in a variety of health problems. It is also believed that roasting coffee beans lessens the sugar balancing compounds.
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