Green Tea - In Asia, Green Tea, or Camellia sinensis, has been administered for specific diseases as well as general overall health for over 5000 years. In certain countries, people consume on average of a liter of green tea each day as a cultural drink as well as Green Tea being attributed to improving everything from digestive to circulatory health.
Green Tea's weight loss effects are a result of its ability to increase the metabolic rate and allowing the acceleration of the fat burning process. (American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 1999 Dec;70(6):1040-5). Green Tea extracts has also been known to inhibit FAS (fatty acid synthase) to decrease appetites and lead to significant weight loss.
A recent study further validates green tea's effectiveness. Published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (Am J Clin Nutr; 81:122-129), it indicated the ingestion of Green Tea, which is rich in catechins, leads to both a lowering of bodyfat and of cholesterol levels. In fact, Green Tea catechins have been known to produce anti-obesity effects by increasing energy expenditure, reduce respiratory quotient, which leads to increase in ratio of fat: carbohydrate oxidization. In fact, a twelve week study in males, Green Tea has been shown to produce significant reduction in body weight, body fat, and visceral fat area.
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